Friday Flames – Let it burn!

Friday Flames – Let it burn!

Burn, baby burn! Did you wear the latest in flame retardant fashion? I hope so, because the Friday Flames will heat you up today! As most of you know, I’ve been in the computer hutch cave diligently writing away on Book Two of my Centaur Series. It’s going well and I... Read more
Hot Friday Flames

Hot Friday Flames

A very quick self-promo announcement (tacky, I know.)   Remedy Maker is now available in print. You can find it here.   Also, my book trailer was featured on USA Today!! SQUEE! Enough of that…let’s get to the HEAT of the Flames…  ... Read more
Friday Flames

Friday Flames

Hot as the dry Santa Ana winds, Friday Flames reaches a flickering heat to readers and writers. Please feel free to leave your short scene, the one that creates steam for the audience and fogs up our screen. Add your buy link if you have one. photo... Read more
Friday Flames!!

Friday Flames!!

Tickle our fancy with your sultry scenes. Don’t leave your whole chapter, LOL. Just a snippet will do. …and your buy link, if you have one. Here’s a portion from my work in progress, tentativelly named Troll-y Yours: *~*~*  Trained to keep his... Read more
Friday Flames!

Friday Flames!

The main reason I began Friday Flames was to help fellow authors showcase their work. I chose to focus on Steamy Scenes, one of the biggest draws of the romance genre. When authors take the time to write and tell me of their success after posting their scene on Friday... Read more

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