Hey there, my lovelies!

First, I want to express a heartfelt THANK YOU for sticking with me on this wild ride. Your support means everything, and I couldn’t do it without you.

It’s been a while since my last blog post. I’m sure some of you may have wondered, “What the heck happened to ol’ Sheri?”

Well, life happened.

Back in 2021, I made the tough decision to press pause on my writing career. It wasn’t an easy choice, let me tell you. Sometimes life has a way of tossing unexpected challenges in our path, and I needed to focus on other aspects for a bit.

During my time away from writing, I missed you all. I missed diving into my familiar worlds of centaurs and nymphs, steamy romance, and sharing my stories with you.

But sometimes, a little break is needed to recharge and refocus.

AND… I’m excited to announce that I’m back in the game! I’ve bought a new keyboard, poured myself a cup of coffee, and I’m diving into my happy place—the world of literary romance. I brought a couple of friends along too: Renewed Passion and Enthusiasm.

I have so many story ideas brewing, and I can’t wait to share them with you. Sign up to receive my newsletter to peek at what’s simmering in my creative cauldron. From steamy shapeshifters to sensual cowboy romances, there’s something special in store for everyone. I promise not to blow up your inbox with unnecessary junk.

So buckle up, my friends. We’re about to set off on an incredible journey. I’m so grateful to have such amazing readers and friends by my side.

Thank you for your patience, support, and unwavering love of the romance genre. Let’s ignite some sparks and watch the magic happen!

Until next time,



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