I need your inventiveness!

Have you ever sat around with friends (drinking, no doubt) and thought of funny titles for imaginary porn flicks?

Here’s a real example:
“WhorreyPotter” by Source. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia
I’m looking for original titles — yes, I’ll be checking. And please don’t comment or email saying how disgusted you are with this post. I realize it’s a slippery slope. 
Remember: this is all in GOOD FUN! 
There’ll be several winners.

What will you win? How about your creative title(s) going into my next book?
Be inspired. Choose originality over common. Get naughty!
I’m looking forward to some zany, outlandish, crack-me-up titles!!
Due by 4/11/15.
~ Sheri ~
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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