Thank you so much for joining in
on the Hot Summer Romance Giveaway Hop sponsored by the Insatiable Reads Book
For two lucky commenters, I’m giving away an ebook copy of my erotic fantasy romance Portals of Oz! 
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Grand Prize
We have two grand prizes. 
Grand prize winners will be selected from post comments via random number
#1 is a Kindle Fire. 
#2 is a $50 gift

My favorite genre – ROMANCE!

What is it that keeps us coming back for more love, more action, more fantasy and sex? For me, it might be the need to escape my everyday world and gallop through the woods with shapeshifting Centaurs.

Remedy Maker

Man by day, Centaur by night, Rhycious is a remedy maker who needs his
own healing.

He’s the royal physician, famous for his cures. War and
posttraumatic stress disorder has broken his spirit, preventing him from
finding true happiness. Then a direct order from the queen to investigate an
uprising forces him out of his secluded cabin at the edge of the forest.
Patience is an optimistic, good-natured Wood Nymph who works as a
mediator to ensure harmony within the Nymph sector.

Environmental pollution in the aquifer stream that feeds the
taproot tree of her heart is slowly killing her. Resigned to the fact she will
not live long, she sets out to discover the mysterious disappearance of her
sister. Experience has taught her to deny herself the love of a male, but the
gruff Centaur is different. He doesn’t push his expectations on her, only his
healing nature.
When Rhycious loses his grip on reality, he believes his
inability to control his disorder will drive Patience away. Nevertheless,
desire flares, and Patience draws him close. Kidnapping and betrayal turn their
mythic joint venture into a deadly bout.

Will their love
endure when survival hinges on trusting each other?

Troll-y Yours

Determined to
forge a better life, Ella launches her new business with high hopes—until a sexy
Centaur bumps into her and throws her life off course. Voted “Most Eligible
Bachelor in Boronda”, Aleksander shakes up her world and tilts her in more ways
than one.
Years of warfare
and countless bedroom encounters have stolen Kempor Aleksander’s luster for
life. He never expects to rediscover his zeal in the small, redheaded form of
Ella the Troll, who fires his blood hotter than the deepest caverns in the
But as trouble
lingers in their midst—and edges ever closer—Alek and Ella spiral into troubled
terrain. Turning to each other, the pair face down dangers that run
impenetrably deep in their mythological world. But will the two lovers discover
a passion that runs even deeper? 
What’s your attraction to romance?

If you’d like to know more about my centaurs, wood nymphs, and trolls, please pickup a copy of my books.

Book 1 of The Centaurs
Book 2 of The Centaurs

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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