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Sizzling heat. Clenched teeth. Desire
beyond reason…or rationale.

It’s not easy to write a scene that
captures your reader’s imagination and attention. To hold them in a grip so
tight...they go up in flames.

It doesn’t have to be graphic, tension
can increase the pounding of our blood. Lead us to the moment, keep us hanging
by a thread.

start it off, here’s a snippet from my upcoming release.

 Remedy Maker

Under the blankets, Patience turned toward him. “Good morning,
Remedy Maker. Wazzup?”
Rhy chuckled deep in his throat. “I’ll show you.” 
He guided her slim hand down to his
jutting erection, and taught her how to wrap her fingers around him. A few
tentative, unsure strokes later, and his eyes rolled back with pleasure.
Uncontrollable urges to thrust into her palm pushed his hips forward. 
Okay people! I showed you mine – now
it’s your turn to show me yours. Don’t forget to leave your book title and a link so
interested parties can rush out and buy a copy
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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