Friday Flames…

of the hottest selling romance books feature scorching love scenes. The
words burning your page (or eReader screen), and set your heart to

Today, I want you to share your Smoking Hot scene, the one that sends the reader…up in flames.

Keep it short, meaning don’t post the whole chapter! Just the drool-worthy highlights.

To start it off, here’s a scene from my upcoming release –

                                          REMEDY MAKER

     His warm lips brushed against hers. She trembled in his arms. His body, large and muscular, weighed upon her, pushing her into the soft
mattress. The very size of him made her feel delicate and small. Ridged and
hard as a washboard, his tanned abdomen pressed to her smooth skin.
     Patience lay still, holding her breath, while his hand caressed
her collarbone then dipped to cup a breast. Warmth spread in a ripple, causing
her peaked nipples to constrict tighter. His brawny arm wrapped around her
shoulders, holding her tight against him while his wet lips covered hers. Moist
heat consumed her and she moaned into his mouth. 
As always, I welcome each comment and look forward to your post!
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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